Oct 10 1918
Dear Mother Father Bros Sisters
This is the first opportunity this week I have had to write you. We have
been awfully busy here. I have your letter Sept. 9th also Elizabeth's and
today received the letter with the notice concerning by allotment and
dependents. Mama it is too bad things will get balled up as the do. I
maild you a money order some time ago for $45. I think the
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allotment will come to you regularly and I will attend to this other business
imediately, and let you hear from me. I was awful glad to hear Bob got better
and hope you all keep good health in the family.
This was wash day for me. this morning I washed out my shirt, under
clothing etc. you can believe me they neeeded it
A persons cloths gets mixed up with these French coodies and gives him
an itchy sensatione If you don't boil your clothes and keep changing them
all the time they
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bother you to death scratching. Last night they certainly kept me awake.
We have been having some exciting times on this front. The Germans
have just recently been driven back and it has kept us busy keeping up with
them. The country round about here is pretty well torn up. The roads
were torn up from shell fire and the ground is coverd with shell holes.
The used to be towns are laid flat to the ground. The engineers have been
using the rocks and stuff
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from the buildings to fix up the roads so the trucks guns ammunition etc
can push ahead. A person can wonder around in the Country and see some
funny things. In the woods big trees are cut and splintered tore into by
the bullets. Barb wire entaglements is so thick you can hardly get through
in places. The Germans had their dug outs and machine gun nests on the ground
we are stoping now. Mama you might wonder why the Germans are going back
so fast, but if you
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could hear the guns once[?] pour out the bullets you would understand very
easily. It has been pretty cool at nights we were issued another blanket
yesterday and will get more soon I think. The Germans have been dropping a
few bombs around here lately. The bugle generally blow attention when there
is any danger, and every one is suposed to find cover. We have a large
shell hole in front of our tent. If it is nec
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essary to crawl out of the tent
this hole makes a pretty good protection for us. Our food has been pretty
good, a good many times we miss out on a few meals, but make up for it later.
I seen Lee Peterson a few days ago, the first time in a long while. He is
still in the truck Co. a short distance back from us. I had a letter from
Aunt Mealy about 2 weeks ago, and will write her as soon as possible. Willie
has never written once yet.
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I am anxious to hear from him, probably he is training back of the lines
somewhere. Mama am mailing you a christmas coupon when you send the
package above al a pair of gloves and some candy, do not bother about
It is about time for mess will have to close. good new is coming in
about the war, so I hope they settle this matter soon. Rec about 7 letter the
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other day and have about 15 to answer yet. Will write to Eliz and Alice
later. Hoping to hear from you soon ad with love and best wishes you all.
Your Son
HR Denton