Enestrőm Number | Date | Title
E009 | 1728 |
De linea brevissima in superficie quacunque duo quaelibet puncta iungente
(Concerning the shortest line joining any two selected points on any surface)
E132 | 1741 |
Methodus viri celeberrimi Leonhardi Euleri determinandi gradus meridiani pariter ac paralleli telluris, secundum mensuram a celeb. de Maupertuis cum sociis institutam
(Method of the celebrated Leonhard Euler for determining a degree of the meridian, as well as of a parallel of the earth, based on the measurement undertaken by the celebrated de Maupertuis and his colleagues)
E214 | 1753
| Principes de la Trigonometrie Spherique Tires de la
Methode des Plus Grands et Plus Petits
(Principles of Spherical Trigonometry Derived from the Method
of the Maxima And Minima)
E215 | 1753 | Elemens de la trigonometrie spheroidique tires de la methode des plus grands et plus petits
(Elements of spheroidal trigonometry derived from the Method of the Maxima and Minima)
E490 | 1777 |
De repraesentatione superficiei sphaericae super plano
(On the mapping of Spherical Surfaces onto the Plane)