Paper has seriously deteriorated and only fragments of this letter survive.

This is letter written to George's sister Alice. He mentions another letter that a local French girl had written to Alice at his request the night before. That letter has a date of June 4, 1918; so this letter would have been written June 5.

first fragment View scanned copy

Alice please send a -------- in your next letter and I will do away with this old pencil. I can write with these French pen points.  

second fragment View scanned copy

non-com certificate, these are issued to all the non-com's in our co. The French Madamoiselle next door wrote a letter to you last night in French She was certainly tickled when I asked her to do it and she wants you to write her one in return. now listen alice I couldn't promise you her picture for you know the French girls are worse than the Americans they won't let em get out. But if this small vocabulary of French I parle–

third fragment View scanned copy

voo works for I will get one mabe ...nor Elizabeth's has shown up yet, mabe those sea-going iron fish planted em on the bottom of the sea. You know sometimes I get to bragging about good-looking sisters and it is hard to produce the evidence but that's only one reason I want them. Before you ask - my pictures were to be mailed to me from the photo shop where ... them taken – when they get here if they

fourth fragment, and end of letter View scanned copy

... your picture are ..... home right-way. Everything is about the same with me, the weather is fine, the sun is hot, the front line has quieted down, the German aereoplanes are pretty lively, outside of cursing horses, cleaning my gun, straightening up my quarters, putting in every hour of the day (and sometimes part of the night) writing letters, getting in by taps and standing reveile's. All's going pretty well. Tell Dan not to get un-easy about that present I was to send him, it will be shipping in the front door pretty soon unexpectedly. Since Wille has left and the other boys things must be pretty dark around the N./E. but listen Alice you tell all the people up and down Saida Ave they had better watch out for when Georgei(ul) comes back he is going to paint Saida Ave Red White and Blue (Red mostly). It is nearly dark now so I will say good night hoping to hear from you again soon.


Lt Biscuin